;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Routine shows examples of how to use the HALOE Vpmc climatology data files. ; This version is for the 14-year average seasonal time series data. ; ; Source: Mark Hervig ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- get the climatology data file ans = ' ' read,'Read the climatology file (y/n)? ',ans if (ans eq 'y') then begin file = '/users/mhervig/pmcs/clim/haloe_vpmc_clim_nh_time-series_all-obs.idlsav' file = dialog_pickfile(title='Choose the HALOE PMC climatology file') read_haloe_vpmc_climatology,file,$ yeargrid,doygrid,latgrid,z1,$ nob_grid,fpmc_grid,$ pmcz_grid,pmcz_sd_grid,$ pmcemx_grid,pmcemx_sd_grid,$ t_gridz, t_sd_gridz,$ p_gridz, p_sd_gridz,$ h2o_gridz, h2o_sd_gridz,$ o3_gridz, o3_sd_gridz,$ no_gridz, no_sd_gridz,$ a245_gridz, a245_sd_gridz,$ a340_gridz, a340_sd_gridz,$ a346_gridz, a346_sd_gridz,$ a526_gridz, a526_sd_gridz,$ a626_gridz, a626_sd_gridz endif ;- set up the plot set_plot,'ps' plotfile = '/users/mhervig/pmcs/clim/haloe_vpmc_clim_plot2.ps' plotfile = 'haloe_vpmc_clim_plot2.ps' device,xoffset=2.0,xsize=17,yoffset=2.0,ysize=22,filename=plotfile !y.style = 1 !x.style = 1 ;- get array indices for plotting zin = 83. ; Z, km lin = 67. ; latitude, deg N din = 197. ; day of year d = abs(z1 - zin) & k=where(d eq min(d)) & iz = k(0) ; altitude index d = abs(latgrid - lin) & k=where(d eq min(d)) & ila = k(0) ; latitude index d = abs(doygrid - din) & k=where(d eq min(d)) & idy = k(0) lat_tit = 'HALOE Vpmc Climatology, ' + string(latgrid(ila),format='(f6.2)') + ' deg. latitude' ;- plot a seasonal time series plot,doygrid,h2o_gridz(*,ila,iz),psym=4,position=[0.1,0.7,0.9,0.9],title=lat_tit ,$ xrange=[50,280],xtitle='day of year',$ yrange=[0,11],ytitle='H!d2!nO (ppmv)' xyouts,70,9, 'a) all years, ' + string(z1(iz),format='(f4.1)') + ' km' ;- plot a profile k = where(h2o_gridz(*,ila,iz) gt 0) plot,yeargrid(*),h2o_gridz(*,ila,iz), position=[0.1,0.44,0.9,0.64],/noerase,$ xrange=[1992,2006],xtitle='year', $ yrange=[0,11],ytitle='H!d2!nO (ppmv)' xyouts,1993,9,'b) ' + string(z1(iz),format='(f4.1)') + ' km' ;- done device,/close set_plot,'x' print,'done' end