pro haloe_vpmc_read_summary,file,date,mode,time,lat,lon,t,h2o,zmax,ext_zm,mice_zm,iwc ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Routine reads the HALOE Vpmc summary files available online at: ; ; ; Input: ; file.......complete path + name of the file ; ; Output: ; (yyyyddd) ; mode.....occultation mode, 0=sunrise, 1=sunset ; time.....hh.hh (UT) ; lat......latitude (deg) ; lon......longitude (deg E) ; t........80km temperature (K) ; h2o......80km H2O (ppmv) ; zmax.....altitude of the PMC extinction peak (km) ; ext_zm...peak PMC extinction at 3.40 um wavelength (1/km) ; mice_zm..peak PMC mass density (g/km3) ; iwc......vertical column mass (g/km2) ; ; Source: Mark Hervig ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print,' is reading...' head = ' ' dat = fltarr(11) nr = 0 ; # of records openr,lu,file,/get_lun ;- read the file for i=1,5 do readf,lu,head while (not eof(lu)) do begin readf,lu,dat if (nr eq 0) then data = dat if (nr gt 0) then data = [[data],[dat]] nr = nr + 1 endwhile close,lu free_lun,lu ;- parse out the data date = long(reform(data(0,*))) mode = reform(data(1,*)) time = reform(data(2,*)) lat = reform(data(3,*)) lon = reform(data(4,*)) t = reform(data(5,*)) h2o = reform(data(6,*)) zmax = reform(data(7,*)) ext_zm = reform(data(8,*)) mice_zm = reform(data(9,*)) iwc = reform(data(10,*)) ;- done print,' is returning ',nr,' records return end