pro coincidence,date1,time1,lat1,lon1,date2,time2,lat2,lon2, $ iopt,multi,maxtime,maxlat,maxlon,maxgcd, $ w_time,w_lat,w_lon,w_gcd, $ coin1,coin2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Purpose: ; Routine takes two sets of measurements, and finds the coincident ; measurements. The user specifies coincidence criteria as either: ; ; 1) time-great circle distance separations ; 2) time-latitude-longitude separations ; ; The output is 2 arrays of indices, that line up the coincident measurements. ; ; Routine allows option to only use an observation for one coincidence, ; or to find multiple coincidences ; ; Input: ;, yyyyddd, where ddd is julian day, for data set 1 ; time1....time, decimal hours, for data set 1 ; lat1.....latitude, + is N, - is S, " ; lon1.....longitude, deg E " ; ;, yyyyddd, where ddd is julian day, for data set 2 ; time2....time, decimal hours, for data set 2 ; lat2.....latitude, + is N, - is S, " ; lon2.....longitude, deg E " ; ; iopt.....1 = use distance/time, 2 = lat/lon/time ; multi....1 = do not allow multiple coincidences ; 2 = find multiple coincidences (use a measurment more than once) ; maxtime..maximum time separation, hours ; matlat...maximum latitude separation, deg ; maxlon...maximum longitude separation, deg ; maxgcd...maximum great circle distance (gcd) separation, km ; ; w_time...weighting on importance of time, 0-1, 1 is most important ; w_lat.... " " " " lat " ; w_lon.... " " " " lon " ; w_gcd.... " " " " gcd " ; ; Output: ; coin1...array indices where data set 1 matched data set 2 ; coin2...array indices where data set 2 matched data set 1 ; ; e.g., date1(coin1(0)) was coincident with date2(coin2(0)) ; date1(coin1(1)) was coincident with date2(coin2(1)) ; etc.... ; ; Source: Mark Hervig ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- initialize some variables nrec1 = n_elements(date1) nrec2 = n_elements(date2) nrec = min([nrec1,nrec2]) coin1 = lonarr(nrec) coin2 = lonarr(nrec) use2 = fix(findgen(nrec2)) ; array locations of records not used from "2" use2 = lonarr(nrec2) - 1 ; array locations of records used from "2" ncoin = 0 sum_dlat = 0. sum_dlon = 0. sum_gcd = 0. sum_dt = 0. dlat = 0. dlon = 0. gcd = fltarr(nrec2) ;- make sure longitudes are all East (0-360) k = where(lon1 lt 0,n) & if (n gt 0) then lon1(k) = 360.+lon1(k) k = where(lon2 lt 0,n) & if (n gt 0) then lon2(k) = 360.+lon2(k) ;- compute elapsed time as hours since midnight on 1-jan-minyr minyr = long( min( [date1,date2] ) / 1000) ; days in year + yrs. since minyr + hrs since midnight dt1 = ( date1 - long(date1/1000)*1000 + 365.0 *long(date1/1000-minyr) ) * 24. + time1 dt2 = ( date2 - long(date2/1000)*1000 + 365.0 *long(date2/1000-minyr) ) * 24. + time2 ;- look for coincident measurements for i1 = 0,nrec1-1 do begin ; loop over data set 1 got1 = 0 c2 = -1 deltamin = 99999. dt = abs(dt1(i1) - dt2) ;- use GCD and time if (iopt eq 1) then begin great_circle, lat1(i1),lon1(i1),lat2,lon2,gcd,head delta = w_time*dt/maxtime + w_gcd*gcd/maxgcd ok = where(gcd le maxgcd and dt le maxtime, nok) if (nok eq 1) then c2 = ok(0) if (nok gt 1) then k = where( delta(ok) eq min(delta(ok)) ) if (nok gt 1) then c2 = ok(k(0)) if (multi ne 1 and c2 ne -1) then got1 = 1 if (multi eq 1 and c2 ne -1) then begin nk = 0 if (nok gt 0 and ncoin gt 0) then k = where(c2 eq use2,nk) ; see if that record has been used if (nk eq 0) then got1 = 1 endif endif ;- use lat, lon, and time if (iopt eq 2) then begin dlat = abs(lat1(i1) - lat2) dlon = abs(lon1(i1) - lon2) k = where(dlon gt 180.0,nk) ; "wrap around" longitudes if (nk gt 0) then dlon(k) = 360.0-dlon(k) delta = w_lat*dlat/maxlat + w_lon*dlon/maxlon + w_time*dt/maxtime ok = where(dlat le maxlat and dlon le maxlon and dt le maxtime, nok) if (nok eq 1) then c2 = ok(0) if (nok gt 1) then k = where( delta(ok) eq min(delta(ok)) ) if (nok gt 1) then c2 = ok(k(0)) if (multi ne 1 and c2 ne -1) then got1 = 1 if (multi eq 1 and c2 ne -1) then begin nk = 0 if (nok gt 0 and ncoin gt 0) then k = where(c2 eq use2,nk) ; see if that record has been used if (nk eq 0) then got1 = 1 endif endif ;- if coincidence was found, track the records if (got1 eq 1) then begin ;- add measurement "2" to list already used from data set 2 if (multi eq 1) then begin use2(ncoin) = c2 endif if iopt eq 1 then sum_gcd = sum_gcd + gcd(c2) ; sum these for stats if iopt eq 2 then sum_dlat = sum_dlat + dlat(c2) if iopt eq 2 then sum_dlon = sum_dlon + dlon(c2) sum_dt = sum_dt + dt(c2) coin1(ncoin) = i1 coin2(ncoin) = c2 ncoin = ncoin + 1 endif endfor ; loop over data set 1 ;- finish up print ,' number of coincidences ',ncoin if (ncoin gt 0) then begin coin1 = coin1(0:ncoin-1) coin2 = coin2(0:ncoin-1) ave_dlat = sum_dlat / float(ncoin) ave_dlon = sum_dlon / float(ncoin) ave_dt = sum_dt / float(ncoin) ave_gcd = sum_gcd / float(ncoin) print ,' average delta lat ',ave_dlat print ,' average delta lon ',ave_dlon print ,' average distance ',ave_gcd print ,' average delta t ',ave_dt endif return end