function dobson,p,o3 ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Purpose: ; Compute column ozone ammount in dobson units (DU), from a ; profile of O3 mixing ratio vs. pressure. ; 1 DU = 2.69e16 molecules cm-2 ; ; Input: ; p.......pressure, mb ; o3......ozone mixing ratio, ppmv ; ; Output: ; dobs....column o3 abundance, DU ; ; Source: Mark Hervig ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;- some constants g = 9.8 ; gravity, m/s2 avagadro = 6.02252e23 ; molec/mol mdry = 0.028964 ; molec. wt. of dry air, kg/mol const = 0.01 * avagadro / (g * mdry) n = n_elements(p) dobs = 0. ;- sum o3 over height for j = 1,n-1,1 do begin term = 0.5*(o3(j) + o3(j-1)) *1.e-6 * abs(p(j-1) - p(j)) * const/2.69e16 dobs = dobs + term endfor return, dobs end