pro great_circle, lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,gcd,head ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Purpose: ; Computes the heading and distance between 2 locations. ; ; Some rules for the input locations, lat1/lon1 and lat2/lon2: ; ; both can be arrays of the same dimension ; both can be scalars ; one can be a scalar and one an array ; ; Input: ; lat1....initial latitude, degrees N ; lon1....initial longitude, degrees E ; latitude, degrees N ; longitude, degrees E ; ; Output: ; head....heading, degrees, north =0, west =270 ; gcd.....great circle distance, km ; ; Source: Mark Hervig ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- some constants earthr = 6372.0 ; Earth's radius (km) pi = 3.14159 ; yes d2r = pi/180.0 ; converst degrees to radians ;- convert degrees to radians lata = lat1 * d2r lona = lon1 * d2r latb = lat2 * d2r lonb = lon2 * d2r ;- check the input variable dimensions n1 = n_elements(lat1) & m1 = n_elements(lon1) n2 = n_elements(lat2) & m2 = n_elements(lon2) go = 0 if (n1 eq n2) then go = 1 if (n1 eq 1 and n2 gt 1) then go = 1 if (n2 eq 1 and n1 gt 1) then go = 1 if (n1 ne m1) then go = 0 if (n2 ne m2) then go = 0 ;- do the calculations if (go eq 1) then begin term = sin(lata)*sin(latb) + cos(lata)*cos(latb)*cos(lonb-lona) angd = acos(term) ; dist in radians gcd = angd * earthr ; dist in km term = (sin(latb)-cos(angd)*sin(lata)) / (sin(angd)*cos(lata)) head = acos(term)/d2r ; heading in deg dlon = lon1 - lon2 dlat = lat1 - lat2 ;- fix western headings west = where( (dlon lt 0.0 and abs(dlon) gt 180.0) or (dlon gt 0.0 and abs(dlon) lt 180.0),nk) if (nk gt 0) then head(west) = 360.0 - head(west) ;- fix due south headdings south = where(dlon eq 0.0 and dlat gt 0.0,nk) if (nk gt 0) then head(south) = 180.0 ;- fix due north headdings north = where(dlon eq 0.0 and dlat lt 0.0,nk) if (nk gt 0) then head(north) = 0.0 endif if (go eq 0) then print,'lat1/lon1 and lat2/lon2 must have equall dimensions' if (go eq 0) then print,'OR one set can be a scalar and one set can be an array' if (go eq 0) then stop,'in' return end