function ice_density,t_in ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Routine returns the density of ice for the input temperature, for 93K < T < 273K. ; ; Input: ; t_in.......temperature (K) ; ; Output: ; density (g/cm3) ; ; Source: Mark Hervig, GATS Inc. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- ice density vs. T from t = [ 0, -5, -10, -15, -20, -25, -30, -35, -40, -50, -60, -70, -80, -90, -100, -180] + 273.16 ; K den = [916.2,917.5,918.9,919.4,919.4,919.6,920.0,920.4,920.8,921.6,922.4,923.3,924.1,924.9,925.7,934.0] * 1e-3 ; g/cm3 ;- interpolate on that data den_out = -999. if (t_in ge min(t) and t_in le max(t)) then begin den_out = interpol(den,t,t_in) endif ;- done return,den_out end