function index_air,tk,pmb,pvmb,lambda ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Calculate the refractive index of moist air ; adapted from the paper: ; ; Phillip E. Ciddor, "Refractive index of air: new equations for the ; visible and near infrared," Appl. Optics 35, 1566-1573 (1996). ; ; see the website: ; ; Input: ; pmb.....pressure mb ; TK......temperature, K ; pvmb....water vapor pressure, mb ; lambda..wavelength, microns ; ; Output: ; index...refractive index of air ; ; Source: Mark Hervig ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- XCO2 = 450.0 ; co2 mixing ratio, ppmv, vol mix = molal mix p = pmb * 100. ; pressure, mb -> pascals pv = pvmb * 100. ; vapor pressure, mb -> Pa TC = TK - 273.15 ; T in deg C ;- define constants w0 = 295.235d0 w1 = 2.6422d0 w2 = -0.03238d0 w3 = 0.004028d0 k0 = 238.0185d0 k1 = 5792105.d0 k2 = 57.362d0 k3 = 167917.d0 a0 = 1.58123 * 1d-6 a1 = -2.9331 * 1d-8 a2 = 1.1043 * 1d-10 b0 = 5.707 * 1d-6 b1 = -2.051 * 1d-8 c0 = 1.9898 * 1d-4 c1 = -2.376 * 1d-6 d = 1.83 * 1d-11 e = -0.765 * 1d-8 pR1 = 101325.d0 ; Pa TR1 = 288.15d0 ; K Za = 0.9995922115d0 Rhovs = 0.00985938d0 R = 8.314472d0 Mv = 0.018015d0 ;- express humidity as a mole fraction, calculate mole fraction xv, ; for partial pressure pv (Pascals), air pressure p (Pascals), ; and air temperature t (Celsius) Alpha = 1.00062 Beta = 3.14 * 1e-8 Gamma = 5.60 * 1e-7 xv = (Alpha + Beta * p + Gamma * TC^2) * pv / p ;- for wavelength in micrometers, find S = 1 / Lambda^2. ;- Calculate intermediate results that depend on S ras = 1e-8 * ( (k1 / (k0 - S)) + (k3 / (k2 - S)) ) rvs = 1.022 * 1e-8 * (w0 + w1 * S + w2 * S^2 + w3 * S^3) ;- Given the CO2 concentration xCO2 in micro-mol/mol, calculate Ma = 0.0289635 + 1.2011 * 1e-8 * ( XCO2 - 400.) raxs = ras * ( 1 + 5.34 * 1e-7 * (XCO2 - 450.) ) ;- Find the compressibility, and density components Zm = 1-(p/tk) *(a0+a1*tc+a2*tc^2 +(b0+b1*tc)*xv +(c0+c1*tc)*xv^2) +(p/tk)^2 *(d+e*xv^2) Rhoaxs = pR1 * Ma / (Za * R * TR1) Rhov = xv * p * Mv / (Zm * R * TK) Rhoa = (1 - xv) * p * Ma / (Zm * R * TK) ;- Calculate the index of refraction index = 1 + (rhoa / rhoaxs) * raxs + (rhov / rhovs) * rvs ;- done return, index end