pro ncdf_cat,filename ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Routine echoes the contents of a ncdf file. ; ; Input: ; file.....path + name of the ncdf file ; ; Source: Mark Hervig ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cdfid = ncdf_open(filename,/NOWRITE) ; Open the file glob = ncdf_inquire( cdfid ) ; Find out general info ;- Show user the size of each dimension print,'Dimensions ', glob.ndims for i=0,glob.ndims-1 do begin ncdf_diminq, cdfid, i, name,size if i EQ glob.recdim then $ print,' ', name, size, '(Unlimited dim)' $ else $ print,' ', name, size endfor ;- Now tell user about the variables print, ' ' print, 'Variables' print, ' ' for i=0,glob.nvars-1 do begin ;- Get information about the variable info = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, i) FmtStr = '(A," (",A," ) Dimension Ids = [ ", 10(I0," "),$)' print, FORMAT = FmtStr,, info.datatype, info.dim(*) print, ']' ;- Get attributes associated with the variable for j=0,info.natts-1 do begin attname = ncdf_attname(cdfid,i,j) ncdf_attget,cdfid,i,attname,attvalue ;print,' Attribute ', attname, '=', string(attvalue) endfor endfor ncdf_close,cdfid ; close the file end