function solim,th,wavein,distnt ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Routine returns the solar limb darkening curve calculated according ; the the "Allen" formulation. The limb darkening curve is a fractional ; solar intensity (1 at sun center 0 off the sun edge) versus angular ; displacement from sun center as viewed from the Earth. ; ; input: ; th........ANGLE IN ARCMIN FROM CENTER OF SOLAR DISK AS SEEN FROM EARTH ; wavein....wavelength, microns ; - sun distance, km, if zero 1.5e8 km will be used ; ; output: ; solim.....fractional solar intensity (compared to sun center) ; ; source: Mark Hervig ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;- setup some variables radsun = 6.9595d5 pi = !pi convert = pi/10800. denom = 0.07658d0 WAVNOW = 0.5 URUN = 0.95 VRUN = -0.20 CONST = 0.05 ACON = 0.25 MODi = 1 ;/.TRUE./ ;- The polynomial coefficients WAVE = [.32,.35,.37,.40,.45,.5,.6,.8,1.,1.5,2.,3.,5.,10.05] * 1d0 U = [.86,.96,1.01,.93,.99,.95,.86,.71,.63,.56,.48,.36,.23,.14] * 1d0 V = [.05,-.08,-.15,-.06,-.17,-.20,-.21,-.20,-.19,-.21,-.18,-.13,-.08,-.04] * 1d0 ;- The polynomial coefficients, this set has an extrapolation to shorter wavelengths (<0.32) WAVE = [.26,.32,.35,.37,.40,.45,.5,.6,.8,1.,1.5,2.,3.,5.,10.05] * 1d0 U = [.66,.86,.96,1.01,.93,.99,.95,.86,.71,.63,.56,.48,.36,.23,.14] * 1d0 V = [.31,.05,-.08,-.15,-.06,-.17,-.20,-.21,-.20,-.19,-.21,-.18,-.13,-.08,-.04] * 1d0 iallen = n_elements(wave) ;- check the earth-sun distance if distnt lt 1e7 then distnt = 1.5d8 ;- do the calculation SIGMA = ASIN(1000.d0/DISTNT)/3. SIGSQR = 0.5d0/(SIGMA^2) MODi = 1 RATIO = DISTNT/RADSUN EDGE = ASIN(1./RATIO) if (WAVNOW NE WAVEIN) then begin if (WAVEIN GT WAVE(IALLEN-1) OR WAVEIN LT WAVE(0)) then begin print,'wavelength out of bounds in',wavein solim = 0.0 goto,jump2 endif for i=1,iallen-1 do begin if (wave(i) ge wavein) then begin URUN = (U(I)*(WAVEIN-WAVE(I-1))+U(I-1)*(WAVE(I)-WAVEIN))/ (WAVE(I)-WAVE(I-1)) VRUN = (V(I)*(WAVEIN-WAVE(I-1))+V(I-1)*(WAVE(I)-WAVEIN))/ (WAVE(I)-WAVE(I-1)) CONST = 1 - URUN ACON = CONST - VRUN WAVNOW = WAVEIN MODi = 1 goto,jump1 endif endfor print,'wavelength out of bounds in',wavein solim = 0.0 goto,jump2 jump1: endif if (modi eq 1) then begin modi = 0 OUTCON = PI*URUN/(EDGE*ACON) endif THETA = ABS(TH)*CONVERT if (THETA LE EDGE) then begin SINTHSQ = (RATIO * SIN(THETA))^2 SOLIM = CONST + URUN*SQRT(1.-SINTHSQ) - VRUN*SINTHSQ endif else begin DELT = THETA - EDGE COEF = DELT*(DELT*SIGSQR + OUTCON) SOLIM = 0.0 if (COEF LE 50.) then SOLIM = ACON * EXP(-COEF) endelse ;- done jump2: return, solim end