Figure 2. HALOE PMC extinctions
compared to modeled extinction spectra. The HALOE data are averages
based on 16 PMC measurements from July 25 to August 4, 1997,
between 62°N and 72°N latitude. Vertical bars on each HALOE
point represent the standard deviation of these measurements. Model
spectra were calculated using the average PMC size distribution from von
Cossart et al. [1999] with ice refractive indices from Bertie et
al. [1969] for 100 K temperature, and from Toon et al.
[1994] for 163 K temperature. The model spectra were scaled to match
the HALOE extinction at 6.62 mm wavelength.
These scale factors were 0.76 and 0.65 for results based on the Bertie
et al. and Toon et al. indices. |