pro kurucz_solar_spectrum,wave,irad ;-------------------------------------------------- ; routine returns the solar spectrum from Kurucz, ; Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Institution ; ; output: ; wave.......wavenumber, 1/cm ; irradiance, W / (m^2 1/cm) ; ; note: wavelength in microns is 10000/wavnum ; ; source: Mark Hervig ; ;-------------------------------------------------- ;- open the file file = '/Users/mhervig/work/solar/solar_spectra/kurucz_solar_spectrum.dat' openr,lu,file,/get_lun ;- read the file nr = 49933L head = ' ' data = fltarr(2,nr) for i=1,17 do readf,lu,head readf,lu,data wave = reform(data(0,*)) irad = reform(data(1,*)) close,lu free_lun,lu ;- done return end